We conceive wellness as a combination of psychological, biological and socio-cultural factors. This is why we provide an integrative, ecological and holistic approach toward health; seeking a harmony in the body-mind connection and the balance between Feeling- Thinking-Doing.
Our purpose is to help our clients in different aspects of their lives (personal, familiar, professional, social) in enhancing their own inner capacities, which may have remained blocked and/or inaccessible.
Our services are directed toward persons, couples, families going through difficulties and willing to overcome concrete problems through counseling, attention, self-care, treatments.
The art of living a healthy life is based on relationships: between our Self, the others, our environment. This systemic perspective and processes of resilience are the foundation of our concept. The “Vidas com Arte” team is composed of qualified professionals in varied areas of psychological health as well as physical and spiritual well-being, offering individual/ couple/ family/ group therapy, yoga, yoga therapy, yoga for pregnancy and post-partum, massage (relaxing, therapeutic, ayurvedic, thai, facial).
" Let us but listen to it: we apply to ourselves all whereof we have principal need."
( Montaigne - Essays - "Off experience" )
“The reflection of the Universe in human consciousness is the foundation of Man strength, but life only turns into happiness, is only endowed with freedom and supreme value when someone exists like a whole world that nobody, ever, will repeat in all eternity. Only then he will experience the joy of liberty and kindness, finding in the others what he had already found in himself.”
(Vassili Grossman, Life and Fate)