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Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy offers both preventive and curative values. Because it produces balance and harmony in the physical and mental processes, yoga is very effective in stress-relief disorders and in many cases, it proves to be the only method of relief. Yoga can move side by side with medical science and sometimes independently because it is a complete system in itself.

Disease is the result of an imbalance in the systems. According to the yogic science *, most bodily dysfunctions can be traced to mental afflictions, but whatever the origin of a disease, man’s body and mind will suffer at the same time. According to yogis and medical scientists, yoga therapy is successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine systems which directly influences all the other systems and organs in the body.

Yoga therapy is a systematic approach of yoga; it involves diet, hatha yoga cleansing techniques, asanas, pranayamas, relaxation and meditation.
Many scientific studies have proved the benefits of yoga in problems like arthritis, stress management, diabetes, obesity, menopause, back pain, asthma, digestive problems, anxiety, depression etc…
Please contact us for further specific information regarding yoga therapy programs.

*Yoga is considered a science in India and scientific studies are conducted in India along with European, Australian or American scientists.